“Recognize this world with Fragi's poetry”: an online poetry marathon was held in Kyiv with the participation of cultural figures and Turkmen youth

An online poetry marathon “Experience this world with Fraga’s poetry” took place, organized by the Magtymguly Library in Kyiv with the support of the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Ukraine. Poetry readings of the works of the outstanding classic, master of words with world fame, Turkmen poet-thinker Magtymguly Fragi started on June 27, 2024, on the day of celebration of the Day of Workers of Culture and Art, as well as the poetry of Magtymguly Fragi, and ended on July 8.

Famous Ukrainian poets and literary scholars, publishers, actors and Turkmen youth took part in the online marathon to honor the brilliant poet, independence fighter, wise Magtymguly, whose 300th anniversary is widely celebrated by the world community this year.


Honored Ukrainian translator and researcher, laureate of the Magtymguly Fragi medal - Alexey Kononenko read a poem in his own translation into Ukrainian entitled “Not immediately recognizable”, and professor and tireless researcher of Fragi’s heritage Nikolai Vaskiv read the poet’s poem translated into Polish “Na ojczyźnie”.

The poems “Turkmen Share” in translations by different authors, “Let him look for his homeland” were read by the Ukrainian literary scholar and literary critic Nina Golovchenko, associate professor at the University of Modern Knowledge, member of the Knowledge Society of Ukraine, the National Union of Journalists and Local History of Ukraine Lyubov Dyachenko-Lysenko and writer-director by Yaroslav Karpets. Another marathon participant, poetess and translator Elena O'Lear, recited the work “To a Sister”.

Turkmen youth started reading Magtymguly’s poetry. Student Husein Tursunov and representative of the Turkmen diaspora Liliana Abdyshukurova read “Ozan geler” in Turkmen and several poetic works in Ukrainian.


The online poetry marathon took place and traditionally attracted the attention of lovers of spiritual, moral and intellectual poetry, as well as new listeners, becoming a continuation of a series of events with the participation of cultural and artistic figures popularizing the work of the outstanding Magtymguly Fragi abroad.