A student bike ride was held in Kyiv on the occasion of World Bicycle Day


On the occasion of World Bicycle Day, which Turkmenistan widely celebrates together with the world community on June 3, a bike ride was held in Kyiv.

Traditionally, the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Ukraine, with the support of the State Enterprise “General Directorate for Servicing Foreign Representations” gathered Turkmen student youth on the territory of Trukhanov Island in the center of the Ukrainian capital, famous for its places for environmental recreation and sports.

Students and diplomats traveled along eco-routes that passed through various landscapes of the island - through lakes, oak and pine forests, and sandy beaches. Young people always happily join sports events organized by the diplomatic institution and demonstrate a healthy sports lifestyle by their own example.

In 2018, as is known, the international community supported the initiative of Turkmenistan and proclaimed June 3 as World Bicycle Day. This decision is the result of a lot of work and attention of the country’s Leadership to the further development of the mass physical culture and health movement and sports aimed at strengthening the health of the population of Turkmenistan, increasing the level of environmental well-being and popularizing cycling.

The bicycle is a symbol of health and protection of nature. The Bicycle Monument is one of the attractions of Ashgabat. The routes of cycling marathons that regularly take place in the Turkmen capital begin here.

The Kyiv cycling marathon demonstrated the unity of Turkmen youth, their motivation to play sports, care for the environment, love and respect for the Motherland, and commitment to universal values.