
Events in honor of the 300th anniversary of the outstanding Turkmen poet-philosopher Magtymguly Fragi continue in Turkmenistan and abroad. An article in the next issue of the popular Ukrainian newspaper, the financial and economic weekly “Ukraine Business Review” is devoted to this topic, on the eve of the celebration of the Day of Workers of Culture, Art, and the Poetry of Magtymguly Fragi.

For the attention of the target audience of the periodical, in particular banking and insurance institutions, foreign companies and diplomatic missions, business partners of the publication, there is information about the world community’s support for Turkmenistan’s efforts to perpetuate the legacy of Magtymguly and about recent events and events in his honor.

Traditionally, the efforts of UNESCO and TURKSOY, of which our country is an active member, have been noted. In particular, the inclusion of the collection of Magtymguly manuscripts in the International Register of the UNESCO Memory of the World Program and the 300th anniversary of the poet in the List of significant dates for joint celebration with UNESCO in 2024–2025, the proclamation of 2024 by the Permanent Council of TURKSOY as the “Year of the Great Poet and Thinker of Turkic world Magtymguly Fragi", and the city of Anau the cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024. On the occasion of these significant events, TURKSOY has already held a number of international events. These include the first stage of the celebration together with the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Ankara and the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan, as well as the opening of a painting exhibition on the theme “Makhtumkuli Fragi and Anau” and the presentation of a new book by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov “Anau - culture from the depths of millennia” at the General Secretariat TURKSOY.

The article highlights the epic event in the life of the Turkmen people and friendly countries - the opening on May 17 in the southern part of Ashgabat of the Magtymguly Fragi monument and the new cultural and park complex “Magtymguly Pyragy”, as well as the alley of famous classical poets and thinkers from different countries where the monument was installed to the famous Ukrainian philosopher and poet of the 18th century Grigoriy Skovoroda, who lived and worked in the same era as Magtymguly. This gesture clearly demonstrates the respect of the Ukrainian heritage by the Turkmen people, becoming another place symbolizing the friendship of the two peoples, because a monument to Kobzar Taras Shevchenko was erected in Ashgabat long ago, and a nearby street was named in his honor.

In continuation of this topic, the focus is on the events that took place in Kyiv the day before. We are talking about the May presentation for the Ukrainian audience of a new publication - a complete collection of translations into Ukrainian of poems by the Turkmen poet entitled “Makhtumkuli Fragi. Revelation" and about holding a week-long exhibition of photographs, books and national clothing entitled "Cultural values ​​of the Turkmen people" within the walls of the National Library of Ukraine for children. And in June, an exhibition of creative works by participants in the artistic circle “Mistetstvoznavtsi” (“Art critics”) of the Center for Extracurricular Activities of the Svyatoshinsky District of Kyiv, entitled “Melodies of the Turkmen Land,” was held, where young artists depicted fragments from Fragi’s poetic works.

In conclusion, a reminder of the upcoming celebration of the Day of Workers of Culture, Art, and Poetry of Magtymguly Fragi on June 27.

In the mentioned issue of the newspaper, the editor-in-chief of the magazine covered the recent meeting of the Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Ukraine Toyly Atayev with the leadership of the State Trade and Economic University of Ukraine, where the prospects for establishing scientific, educational and humanitarian interstate cooperation were discussed.