Literary and artistic publication under the poetic title “Magtymguly Fragi. Revelation" was released in Ukraine in May 2024, in honor of the 300th anniversary of the outstanding classic of the East, Turkmen poet and thinker Magtymguly Fragi.

The uniqueness of the publication is that today it is the most complete collection of translations of Magtymguly’s poems into Ukrainian. The author and compiler of the publication is Nikolay Vaskiv, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Journalism and New Media at the Institute of Journalism of the Boris Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University. The new publication is not the first work of the author dedicated to the work of the Turkmen poet. For many years, Nikolay Vaskiv has been studying and popularizing the work of Magtymguly and the others in Ukraine and abroad. Turkmen literature, culture, Turkmen-Ukrainian cultural relations are also the object of his constant research.

“Magtymguly Fragi. 300th anniversary of the birth. Revelation" is a large reference book consisting of 323 pages, a preface entitled " Magtymguly Fragi and his word in Ukraine" and 204 poems by Magtymguly Fragi in Ukrainian.

The book opens with lines from Magtymguly’s poem “Türkmeniň” and a quote from the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov about the rich literary heritage of the poet.

In the preface to the complete collection of translations into Ukrainian “Magtymguly Fragi. Revelation”, the author allows the reader to understand at what time he worked and what life events were reflected in Magtymguly’s work. The author describes in detail the poet’s life path, which is inextricably linked with his work. He tells about the influence on the formation of Fragi’s personality of the teachings of his father, the famous poet Dovletmamed Azadi and songwriter, grandfather Magtymguly Yenachi, from whom Fragi inherited the talent of a poet. The preface describes the era in which Magtymguly Fragi lived, providing historical data about the events of that time, the occupation of the Turkmens, their education and religion. Much attention in the preface is paid to the study of Magtymguly’s work by domestic and foreign scientists and, of course, to the translation of Magtymguly’s poetry and key translators of different years. The author similarly analyzed the approaches and stylistic techniques used by the authors of the translations of Magtymguly’s poems.

The main part of the publication consists of poems by Magtymguly Fragi, translated into Ukrainian by famous Ukrainian poets, writers, translators of the 20th century and our time. Among them are the iconic Ukrainian poet Vladimir Sosyura, Ukrainian poet and translator Nikolai Tereshchenko, Ukrainian writer and literary researcher Mechyslav Gasko, Ukrainian poetess, prose writer and playwright Natalya Zabila, professional translator Ivan Puchko, writer Petro Doroshko and other cultural figures of the 20th century, as well as our contemporaries, laureates of the state award of the Magtymguly Fragi medal Pavel Movchan and Alexey Kononenko.

In one publication, the author has collected translations of Magtymguly’s poetry, written by iconic poets, writers, translators, publicists and researchers in the history of Ukrainian literature.

Complete collection of translations into Ukrainian “Magtymguly Fragi. Revelation" is a very valuable contribution to the study and popularization of Magtymguly’s literary heritage and its deep philosophical meanings. Of course, the book will be useful for researchers, historians and philologists studying the work of Magtymguly, as well as teachers and students of higher educational institutions.