
The Turkmen language is one of the most ancient Turkic languages. This is evidenced by many written monuments. The masterpieces of Turkmen literature include the epics "Gerogly" and "Gorkut ata", which are an invaluable treasure not only of the Turkmen, but also of other peoples of the East. Not only the classic poets of Turkmen literature, among whom the work of Magtymguly Fragi occupies a special place, wrote in Turkmen, but also the poet Saif Sarai, who worked in distant Egypt.

The classics of Turkmen poetry of the golden age Magtymguly, Mollanepes, Kemine, Seydi, Zelili and many others, and then their followers enriched and improved the native language. By bringing the Turkmen poetic language closer to colloquial speech, Magtymguly Fragi actually became the founder of the modern literary norm of the Turkmen language.

The Turkmen language is part of the Oghuz language group and has very special characteristics that distinguish it from other Turkic languages.

The Turkmen language consists of more than 40 dialects. Its peculiarity also consists in the fact that by the pronunciation of certain words you can immediately determine from which region of the country the interlocutor is.

Each of us knows that language is one of the defining factors of the national identity of peoples and an integral feature of a nation.